"Real" News for REAL Americans!

An Alex Fumero Publication

Location: United States

News Journalist. Opinion Editorialist. American. Man of God.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Foley's Folly Not His Fault


As many of you, I'm sure, are aware (thanks to the, always willing, liberal news media), former Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL) was allegedly caught having "inappropriate" conversations on the "Internet" with a "sixteen year old" Congressional page. Now, obviously, assuming the allegations hold water, such actions are ethically wrong on a variety of levels. First and foremost is the question of the boys age, which, although debatable by some, is, by and large, too tender an age for a young man to be engaged in such a vulgar dialogue. Second, the issue of homosexuality--a barefaced vulgarity in itself. And thirdly, but perhaps most importantly, the violation of the sanctity of Mr. Foley's position as a representative of this great Nation and the State of Florida.

But where would a good man like Mark Foley get such ideas. The answer is simple: from the Democratic Party. Now, I know a lot of you think you know where I'm going with this. Some of you may think I'm referring to the heinous transgressions committed by former President Bill Clinton--cold. Still others may have sought to thwart the obvious by looking still further back to the deviant promiscuities of the Kennedy White House--warmer, but still cold. No, ladies and gentlemen, I am referring to none other than the "great" Democratic reformer, F.D.R.

Franklin "Delano" Roosevelt, who not only committed a disgusting barbarity by marrying his COUSIN, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (she didn't even have to change her name when they wed), but he was perhaps the great-grandfather of the HOMOSEXUAL MARRAIGE CRUSADE, as well!

It is a fairly well known fact that cousin Eleanor, as she wished to be called (a rebel since day one), was behind closed, closet doors, a full-blown lesbian. So, I have to ask myself, "Why would Roosevelt (the man) want to marry Roosevelt (the lesbo)?" The answer is simple: to infect the healthy, American moral fiber with the insidious idea that not only is marriage a trivial, unholy affair, BUT that morals in general should be cast aside in favor of personal happiness! (Which can be seen as a logical extension of the happy-go-lucky "free money" principles of the New Deal).

To the thinking person, the very insinuation that this poor, polio stricken hero, liberator of the entire World from the impending grasp of Nazi fascism and Japanese imperialism, could some how be the root cause for the degeneration of morality in America today, sounds like near blasphemy. But consider this for a moment: If FDR was such a great man, why did he decide not to pursue ANTI-LYNCHING legislation in order to secure support from members of his own party for his glorious "New Deal"? I'll tell you why. Because the man had no morals, and that is EXACTLY the kind of spineless "flip-flopping" that has been plaguing the Democratic Party, and now America at large, ever since!

So, if you really want to stop men like Mark Foley from preying on the innocent, start asking yourself, "Who is really the victim in all of this?" I think it's Mark Foley. I think it's America. And I really think it's time America got "a new deal".

God Bless Mark Foley. God Bless America.

Tom Thompson
The Freedom Flyer


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I do know a thing or two, about a thing or two." ... and I know that this is a poorly written article lacking research and supporting evidence...

And if this site/articles were not meant to taken seriously, strictly for comical purposes, an emulation of the Daily Show's/Colbert Report's political/news satire style... I say, just let the pros do their job. ( I do hope this article was written to be a complete joke)

Actually, now that I think about it, this article serves more as supporting evidence and proof of The Freedom Flyer's first post stating: "a lot of people still don't really know much about anything (Yes! Even here at home! [at The Freedom Flyer?]"

Please do more research before stating rumors as "well known facts". As a "journalist" you should know better, and if you didn't, perhaps you should consider calling yourself "a speller with decent grammar", instead of a writer or journalist...there is a big difference.
Just for reference: A rumor or rumour is a piece of purportedly true information that circulates without substantiating evidence. The information content/payload of rumors can range from simple gossip to advanced propaganda techniques. ( set these people straight--

In response to the statement:

Franklin "Delano" Roosevelt, who not only committed a disgusting barbarity by marrying his COUSIN, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (she didn't even have to change her name when they wed)

While at Harvard, he [FDR] saw his distant cousin Theodore Roosevelt become president, and Theodore's vigorous leadership style and reforming zeal made him Franklin's role model and hero. In 1902, he met his future wife Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, Theodore's niece, at a White House reception. (They had previously met as children, but this was their first serious encounter.) Eleanor and Franklin were fifth cousins, once removed. They were both descended from the Dutchman Claes Martensz. van Rosenvelt (Roosevelt) who arrived in New Amsterdam (Manhattan) from the Netherlands in the 1640s. Rosenvelt's two grandsons, Johannes and Jacobus, began the Oyster Bay and Hyde Park branches of the Roosevelt family. Eleanor was descended from the Johannes branch, while FDR was descended from the Jacobus branch.[3] Franklin and Eleanor married two years later in 1905. (

In response to the statement :

It is a fairly well known fact that cousin Eleanor, as she wished to be called (a rebel since day one), was behind closed, closet doors, a full-blown lesbian. So, I have to ask myself, "Why would Roosevelt (the man) want to marry Roosevelt (the lesbo)?"

The Simple Answer: To marry two very powerful political families to align their respective political and economic resources to make a run for presidency and ensure long-term success of their family, country, and world.

They could have also been in love, or perhaps it was the biological urge to find a mate and reproduce, or a combination of all these factors. In any case, they were married March 17, 1905. They had six children in rapid succession:

* Anna Eleanor (1906–1975),
* James (1907–1991),
* Franklin Delano, Jr. (March 1909–November 1909),
* Elliott (1910–1990),
* a second Franklin Delano, Jr. (1914–1988), and
* John Aspinwall (1916–1981).

Maybe I just don't know anything, but: When a woman has sex/intercourse with a man, gets his sperm to enter her womb, gets pregnant, gives birth, and repeats the process 5 more times over the next 10 years (1906-1916) ... "It is a fairly well known fact" that Eleanor Roosevelt practiced heterosexuality on at least 6 occasions and is not a "full-blown lesbian".

In response to:

But consider this for a moment: If FDR was such a great man, why did he decide not to pursue ANTI-LYNCHING legislation in order to secure support from members of his own party for his glorious "New Deal"?

Again, this is a stupid question, followed by a stupid answer on the The Freedom Flyer's end.

Perhaps I don't know anything, but "Roosevelt needed the support of Southern Democrats for his New Deal programs, and therefore decided not to push for anti-lynching legislation that might threaten his ability to pass his highest priority programs." (

Remember the times in context, FDR actually had to run a country coming out of WWI and the Great Depression, preparing for WWII. His highest priority programs were to ensure economic and social stability, and prepare a nation for war. I know it's hard a imagine a world where trying to actually save the world from total destruction is more important than working on empty civil rights slogans and motions...but if you read history about that era, that was simply the case.

In response to:

So, if you really want to stop men like Mark Foley from preying on the innocent, start asking yourself, "Who is really the victim in all of this?" I think it's Mark Foley. I think it's America. And I really think it's time America got "a new deal".

The above is a non sequitur....the conclusion can be either true or false, but the argument is a fallacy because the conclusion does not follow from the premise.

How will asking myself "Who is the victim in all of this?" help to stop men like Mark Foley from preying on the innocent? .....Yes America and Mark Foley may be the victims....but how will that stop Mark Foley from preying on the innocent? ... Yes it may help me to realize that it's time America got "a new deal" , but again how does it stop men like Mark Foley from preying on the innocent? And what is this "new deal" you speak of? Anything specific in mind?

Monday, October 16, 2006 5:07:00 AM  
Blogger Tom Thompson said...

If your such a tough guy, why'd you post anonymous? Am I serious? Am I not? I don't know. You decide. But I will say this: you are seriously a pansy bitch who doesn't sign his names to his postings. Not like me. I'm Tom Thompson. I have balls. American balls.
Tom Thompson
The Freedom Flyer

Monday, October 16, 2006 3:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah man, anyone who posts as Anonymous is a pussy. You Anonymous DOUCHE, you!

Monday, October 16, 2006 3:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your such a tough guy, why'd you post anonymous?

Who ever said I was tough? I'm not quite sure why you think I am such a tough guy, but I thank you for the compliment.

So to answer your question, why'd I post anonymously?

"Tao can be talked about, but the not the Eternal Tao. Names can be named, but not the Eternal Name."
"Tao is always nameless." --Tao Teh Ching.

Again you contradict yourself...You call me "such a tough guy" only to call me a "pansy bitch" in the following line. So which is it sir?

As for posting my name, if you understood where my words come from, there is little mystery of who I am:
My words have an Ancestor.
My deeds have a Lord.
The people have no knowledge of this.
Therefore, they have no knowledge of me.

And to Mr. Tom Thompson,
If this was a public challenge... I would be more than happy to accept your challenge at any time/place... just be prepared to back up your words and your American Balls. If you do however realize your ignorance, I will accept a formal apology and statement of ignorance on your end once you realize the seriousness of the situation you have placed yourself may not have those American balls for that much longer. Otherwise state a time and place. Am I serious? Am I not? I don't know. You decide.

Monday, October 16, 2006 5:42:00 PM  
Blogger Tom Thompson said...

So, thanks to some contacts at the Central Intelligence Agency, it has come to my attention that the "Anonymous" poster is, in fact, Asian.

I know. This is not a big surprise to anyone. It is a known fact that most, if not all, Asians pray to their pagan Gods for the demise of the American Dream. But, just as we stood in the face of the British taxation. Just as we stood in the face of Southern cessation. Just as we stood in the face of Nazism, Communism, and now, Terrorism. We will, again, rise and face the evils of Asianism.

Hey, "Mr. Lee", shut up you little noodle-sucking bitch. I'm right here. Tom Thompson is right here. America is right here. Don't get mad 'cause your small in the pants, man. And we KNOW you're small in the pants, so don't pretend like you're not.

Tom Thompson and America are right here.
Tom Thompson
The Freedom Flyer

Monday, October 16, 2006 6:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom Thompson has issued an apology and has acknowledged his ignorance. I have accepted his apology. He was sorry to admit that his American mouth was much bigger American balls.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006 3:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shut up. Be funnier. Actually, be funny. I have not laughed once reading this site. Except when you spoke about asians having small penises. Because that is not true. Asian elephants have huge penises, and they are, in fact, Asian. Just more proof that this site SUCKS.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006 12:49:00 PM  
Blogger Tom Thompson said...

The strange thing is, for someone with such disdain for this site, you sure spend a lot of time on it... And no such apology was issued.

Thursday, October 19, 2006 12:40:00 AM  

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